Studies show attractive people enjoy better lives, work better jobs and make more money. With the popularity of social media, your face is even more important than ever before. While it's true you could put up an artsy flower photo for your Facebook profile picture, professional online networking requires the use of an eye-catching head shot. Your smile is an essential component of your portrait; a beautiful set of teeth makes a positive impact and impresses potential employers, clients, dates, or others you'd like to influence. Jacksonville orthodontics practices offer affordable treatments that optimize your smile, and help you look your best, online and in real life.
What to Expect
During your Jacksonville orthodontics evaluation, an orthodontist assesses your mouth and takes measurements and x-rays of your teeth and head. Next, your dentist personalizes a treatment based on your needs, explains the best treatment options, and estimates length and cost of treatment.
Many different teeth and jaw conditions need treatment. An overbite is when your upper teeth noticeably cover your bottom teeth while biting down. Sometimes, the bottom teeth actually hit the roof of the mouth, wearing away bone. An underbite occurs when the lower teeth cover the upper. Thanks to advances in modern dentistry, these problems can be solved with minimal discomfort, using Jacksonville orthodontics.
There are many treatment options available to Jacksonville orthodontics patients. While in the past, orthodontics patients were referred to as "metal mouths," there are now many alternatives to a "tin grin." Acquiring a better smile no longer requires looking terrible for years. Conventional metal braces are less conspicuous than ever before. Some of the other treatment possibilities involve no visible metal at all, such as arch expanders and clear plastic retainers.
Many people of all ages know they would benefit from orthodontics. Yet the price can be prohibitive. Look for an orthodontist that breaks down cost on a monthly basis and doesn't require a down payment. The work may be partially covered by dental insurance, and some Jacksonville orthodontics practices offer financing through local banks. Orthodontics treatment is an affordable, worthwhile investment in your future.
More than Cosmetic
While a good-looking smile has a measurable impact on your career and personal life, it also provides many health benefits. When your teeth aren't straight, cleaning them is more difficult. Inadequately cleaned teeth increase your risk of cavities, and plaque on your teeth causes heart trouble. A bad bite results in poorly chewed food, which leads to digestion troubles. Your Jacksonville orthodontics straightens your teeth and corrects your bite. A properly aligned bite also means less wear on your teeth, so you'll be more likely to keep your pearly whites into your golden years.
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders are a result of problems with the jaw, jaw joint and surrounding facial muscles that control chewing and moving the jaw. People with TMJ disorders experience severe pain and discomfort that can last for many years. Common symptoms include: pain or tenderness in the face, jaw joint area, neck and shoulders, and in or around the ear when you chew, speak, or open your mouth; jaws that get "stuck" or "lock" in the open- or closed-mouth position; clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth (which may or may not be accompanied by pain); and swelling on the side of the face. Other common symptoms of TMJ include toothaches, headaches, neck aches, dizziness, earaches, hearing problems, upper shoulder pain, and ringing in the ears (tinnitus). Do not worry, Jacksonville orthodontics significantly reduces your risk for developing TMJ. If you already have a TMJ disorder, modern orthodontic treatments can often reduce or even eliminate your symptoms.
Don't underestimate the importance of your smile - it's crucial to your career trajectory and personal happiness, not to mention your health. When you opt for Jacksonville orthodontics, you are literally putting your money where your mouth is, and you can be sure you'll receive an exponentially positive return on your investment.
For more information about Jacksonville orthodontics, please visit:
What to Expect
During your Jacksonville orthodontics evaluation, an orthodontist assesses your mouth and takes measurements and x-rays of your teeth and head. Next, your dentist personalizes a treatment based on your needs, explains the best treatment options, and estimates length and cost of treatment.
Many different teeth and jaw conditions need treatment. An overbite is when your upper teeth noticeably cover your bottom teeth while biting down. Sometimes, the bottom teeth actually hit the roof of the mouth, wearing away bone. An underbite occurs when the lower teeth cover the upper. Thanks to advances in modern dentistry, these problems can be solved with minimal discomfort, using Jacksonville orthodontics.
There are many treatment options available to Jacksonville orthodontics patients. While in the past, orthodontics patients were referred to as "metal mouths," there are now many alternatives to a "tin grin." Acquiring a better smile no longer requires looking terrible for years. Conventional metal braces are less conspicuous than ever before. Some of the other treatment possibilities involve no visible metal at all, such as arch expanders and clear plastic retainers.
Many people of all ages know they would benefit from orthodontics. Yet the price can be prohibitive. Look for an orthodontist that breaks down cost on a monthly basis and doesn't require a down payment. The work may be partially covered by dental insurance, and some Jacksonville orthodontics practices offer financing through local banks. Orthodontics treatment is an affordable, worthwhile investment in your future.
More than Cosmetic
While a good-looking smile has a measurable impact on your career and personal life, it also provides many health benefits. When your teeth aren't straight, cleaning them is more difficult. Inadequately cleaned teeth increase your risk of cavities, and plaque on your teeth causes heart trouble. A bad bite results in poorly chewed food, which leads to digestion troubles. Your Jacksonville orthodontics straightens your teeth and corrects your bite. A properly aligned bite also means less wear on your teeth, so you'll be more likely to keep your pearly whites into your golden years.
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders are a result of problems with the jaw, jaw joint and surrounding facial muscles that control chewing and moving the jaw. People with TMJ disorders experience severe pain and discomfort that can last for many years. Common symptoms include: pain or tenderness in the face, jaw joint area, neck and shoulders, and in or around the ear when you chew, speak, or open your mouth; jaws that get "stuck" or "lock" in the open- or closed-mouth position; clicking, popping, or grating sounds in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth (which may or may not be accompanied by pain); and swelling on the side of the face. Other common symptoms of TMJ include toothaches, headaches, neck aches, dizziness, earaches, hearing problems, upper shoulder pain, and ringing in the ears (tinnitus). Do not worry, Jacksonville orthodontics significantly reduces your risk for developing TMJ. If you already have a TMJ disorder, modern orthodontic treatments can often reduce or even eliminate your symptoms.
Don't underestimate the importance of your smile - it's crucial to your career trajectory and personal happiness, not to mention your health. When you opt for Jacksonville orthodontics, you are literally putting your money where your mouth is, and you can be sure you'll receive an exponentially positive return on your investment.
For more information about Jacksonville orthodontics, please visit:
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