Monday, May 23, 2011

Sedation Dentistry: Taking The Anxiety Out of Dental Care

Having a fear of going to the dentist is a normal affliction that thousands of people suffer from. Being afraid of the dentist is still no excuse to neglect your dental hygiene and care, and visits to the dentist are an absolute necessity for good dental health throughout your lifespan. With the advent of Sedation Dentistry, however, this fear of the dentist can be calmed. More information is available from Dr Joel David.

Anxious About Cleanings?

Dental Phobia, or anxiety associated with dental visits and care, is a documented condition that hundreds of thousands of people around the world suffer from. So if you find yourself virtually terrified of having your teeth cleaned, you're not alone. And having a dentist who tells you to suck it up and get over it is no help to your condition. For this reason, it's important to seek out the services of a dentist or dental practice that uses Sedation Dentistry regularly to help patients with mild to severe dental phobia cope with regular office visits. You don't have to have a heart attack every time you have a cavity, and you shouldn't be forced to simply "get over it" either. Sedation Dentistry does not mean you are knocked unconscious for the duration of the procedure. You are simply placed in a comfortable, sleep-like state in which you will have little or no memory of the visit. You will not remember smells, visions, or any part of the procedure that is performed.

What Makes You a Good Candidate?

Dental phobia or extreme anxiety associated with dental procedures is just one thing that makes a person a good candidate for Sedation Dentistry. Other conditions or problems with dental visits, such as having difficulty getting numb, a strong gag reflex, inability to hold one's mouth open for long periods of time, or a simple hatred of smells or noises associated with dental visits are all things that make for a good Sedation Dentistry candidate.

For more information on Sedation Dentistry, visit

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Importance of a Good Oral Surgeon

One of the first things people notice about you is your smile. If you have a beautiful smile that reveals sparkling, perfectly straight teeth, then for you this is a plus. If your smile leaves something to be desired, you probably find yourself working hard to keep your smiles tight-lipped in order to prevent anyone noticing your crooked or discolored teeth. With good dental hygiene and the help of a skilled oral surgeon, the fear of revealing your full smile can become a thing of the past. Sites like Dr Joel David can give you more information.

Straightening Up

Having crooked teeth can be a very difficult condition to live with. Being consistently self-conscious about how much of your teeth you reveal with each word you speak or smile you attempt can be enough to drive anyone a little crazy, not to mention the effect on your self-esteem. For this reason, cosmetic dentistry and orthodontics is an important field. With the help of an oral surgeon, your crooked teeth can be straightened, gaps can be closed, and even discoloration can be whitened out. Through cosmetic dentistry techniques that implement lumineers, porcelain crowns, and bonding you too can have that beautiful movie star smile you've always wanted. And with the use of orthodontics such as braces, or the revolutionary Invisalign system, crooked teeth can be straightened out to form a perfect set of teeth.


Having a fear of visiting the dentist is a common affliction among children and adults alike. Some dental procedures can be long, drawn out, and painful. No longer does a healthy fear of the dentist have to keep you from attaining the smile you want. With the use of sedation to perform dental procedures you will feel perfectly at ease with your dental visit. You will not be unconscious, but you will be in a very sleep-like state that will leave you with no memory of your visit or any smells or sights associated with it. A skilled oral surgeon can perform all the necessary procedures to get you one step closer to a smile worth being proud of without your knowledge of it ever happening.

For more information on how a skilled Oral Surgeon can help you get the smile you've always wanted, visit

Monday, May 2, 2011

What Botox Can Do For You

The cruel truth about aging is that we’re all subject to it. No one gets to stay young and taut forever. However, with advances in technology and the medical field over the past couple of decades you can temporarily roll back the clock. Consider a short, easy procedure called Botox to help you peel the years away.

How It Works

Botox is a purified protein that is physician administered in several or a few tiny injections. Produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacterium, this treatment takes only about 10 to 15 minutes and has basically immediate results. The injections are quite small and if administered by a seasoned physician who’s accustomed to administering injections of this type you experience minimal to no discomfort. So with one treatment you can emerge straight from the doctor’s office and out into the world as a new person.


This type of treatment is generally used to treat moderate to severe onset laugh lines, or glabellar lines, in particularly those that appear in between the eye brows of an individual. Botox reduces the activity of the muscles that cause these lines by blocking nerve impulses to the muscles. The procedure is a temporary fix but the results are well worth the minimal time and discomfort involved. There is no recovery time from this procedure, and it’s far less costly than some other more invasive cosmetic procedures, making it a fast, easy fix that can easily fit into your busy lifestyle. The treatment has been FDA approved and there have been approximately 11 million Botox procedures performed in the United States since its introduction in 2002. So with one tiny, safe procedure you can quickly feel like your old self again and reclaim that youthful look you’ve been missing.

For more information on Botox procedures, visit